
How long does a work injury claim take?

As with many things in life, the sooner you get started on your workers’ compensation claim, the sooner it will likely resolve.

The length of your workers’ compensation case will depend on the injury you have. If you have a minor injury, your case will typically take a short time to resolve, typically within a couple weeks. If you have a serious injury or an injury that results in a disability, the claim can take several months to resolve. Keep reading for more from a Greenville workers’ compensation lawyer.

How long do I have to report my injury?

In South Carolina, it is mandatory to notify your immediate supervisor of any workplace injury within 90 days. Reporting your injury promptly and having your employer approve your claim should result in the prompt initiation of benefits. Workers’ compensation claims that are valid are expected to be paid without unnecessary delays.

Don’t delay – get started on your claim today

Suffering a work-related injury can be unsettling, especially if financial constraints add to the worry. If you need assistance with your workers’ compensation claim, reach out to Smith Jordan Attorneys at Law. We are dedicated to advocating for the medical care and additional benefits you deserve.

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